About Us
SPEAR Human Performance was created to enable the best in human potential. Initially focused on enabling elite warriors to perform at their physical best, it swiftly evolved into a platform to measure, manage and engage people and the teams that support them to intelligently tune every facet of the human machine.
With a singular focus to improve the health of the individual, we quickly recognized the potential for technology to guide all stakeholders within the performance ecosystem.
Over time, this coordinated approach emerged as far superior to simply measuring and recording your physical activity time, distance and heart rate was insufficient.
Working with special forces in the military provided a petri dish to identify how medical, dietary, spiritual and mental interventions to produce better human performance and resiliency.
SPEAR now provides a platform that can provide any organization, a toolset that can guide novel programs which prevents injuries, maximizes availability, identifies optimization processes and enables your human assets to perform at their best.
Why use SPEAR's Human Centric Data Management(TM) platform?
SPEAR is different, our Human Centric Data Management(TM) Platform provides the only Platform as a Service (PaaS) that integrates with physical training, healthcare, financial operations and AI/ML to optimize the performance and outcomes of every human asset in your organization and reducing operational risk.
SPEAR is more than an AMS, it provides an infrastructure with built-in security to truly provide Intelligent Human Performance(TM) through robust analytics and cross data source integrations to impact human operations and assess operational risk.
SPEAR’s proprietary Inteligent Human Performance(TM) application uniquely enables the best in AI/ML modeling and analytics. It is not a one size fits all algorithm, rather, it provides the ability to work with multiple models and applications that give an organization an its individuals the best in personalized, prescriptive and predictive interventions to prevent operational risk.
Benefits of a Holistic Architecture​
Our comprehensive Human Centric Data Management(TM) platform, provides a variety of architectural benefits that span from rapid integration and prototyping to the maintenance of secure and scalable protocols:
Rapid integration of technology and data sources
Edge Compute Capability
Personalized and Customized Analytics
3-tier deliveries to individual, group, and enterprise:
Integrated data platform
Secure, Scalable and Extensible
Mission Critical Data Requires Security
The SPEAR IL5 Enclave - Pillars of Trust
Security Certifications & Compliance
DOD/ DISA IL5 Environment Authority To Operate (ATO)
DOD/ DISA IL5 Application Authority To Operate (ATO)
SP 800-37
SP 800-53
SP 800-137
NIST 800-171
FIPS 199